Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cuffing Season ...Do I really need a boyfriend?

Cuffing Season?
If you are a teenager or an adult who is hip with today's new slang I bet you probably heard of 'Cuffing Season'
Cuffing season:When you decided to be with somebody based on the season of the year; perferbly teenagers go with fall or winter.
I am single,and I find nothing wrong with that. I believe that when you enter a realtionship with someone there should be similar bonds you and your parnter share, you guys should be respectful toward eachother. If I was going to be with someone I want to be able to build a friendly relationship first find out alot about that person, (Hehe they say that's the trait of a scopio zodiac sign) see what makes them angry,happy,sad, im guessing you guys understand exactly where im coming from. So rushing into a relationship so quick because its a certin season I think its absolutely rediculous. I'm not saying that everyone or every teenager does that. I just think that if you guys are doing that be very careful, there can be concenquences.
Now I know you guys are thinking hey this title says "Do I really need a boyfriend" in my next blog I will get to that..Until then stay tuned