Sunday, July 24, 2011

Heart Breaks

Heart breaks

Almost everyone has crushes, boyfriends, flows( flows is a slang for someone who your not serious about) that you will probably fall in to like or love with; and with every relationship there are ups and downs, complications , misunderstandings, and miscommunications. In some cases relationships can be great, exciting, wonderful.

Just because something doesn't work out doesn't mean it cannot work out. Just because something right there and then is there anymore doesn't mean you need it. I know it will feel like it's hard to move on and you are nothing with out that special person. But in actual reality the world is still rotating everyone and everything is still moving around you, and it's time for you to move on to. You can try and try and you may succeed, or fail, when you succeed congradulation when you fail still congradulationds because either way you are still learning about people and choices you make, you are always learning and you yourself has to choose where you want to be in this situation you can sit there and cry and just make every year, month, week, day, hour, and seconds miserable and unhappy. Or you can say "Hey. I remember those times we had , I appreciate them but we just couldn't work out but i learned" . =]

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cuffing Season ...Do I really need a boyfriend?

Cuffing Season?
If you are a teenager or an adult who is hip with today's new slang I bet you probably heard of 'Cuffing Season'
Cuffing season:When you decided to be with somebody based on the season of the year; perferbly teenagers go with fall or winter.
I am single,and I find nothing wrong with that. I believe that when you enter a realtionship with someone there should be similar bonds you and your parnter share, you guys should be respectful toward eachother. If I was going to be with someone I want to be able to build a friendly relationship first find out alot about that person, (Hehe they say that's the trait of a scopio zodiac sign) see what makes them angry,happy,sad, im guessing you guys understand exactly where im coming from. So rushing into a relationship so quick because its a certin season I think its absolutely rediculous. I'm not saying that everyone or every teenager does that. I just think that if you guys are doing that be very careful, there can be concenquences.
Now I know you guys are thinking hey this title says "Do I really need a boyfriend" in my next blog I will get to that..Until then stay tuned